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Monday, March 16, 2009

Video clips: at the market in south Kolkata

I still haven't uploaded all our photos from our trip to India last month..but I did upload a few of the numerous video clips I took. Here are two of them, both taken on the morning we walked with my aunt to the local market:

1) The chicken butcher; I snapped a few photos of these guys, after which they wanted to pose for me, which is when I shot this clip:

2) One of the many fishmongerers; same here, actually--this guy did a special pose for me when he saw I was taking photos. Not sure what type of fish he was dealing..I'll have to ask my parents if they can tell:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the videos. Though I do believe a still photograph is something more easy to view.

Suman said...

Thanks for the comment..I am getting increasingly fond of short video clips as sort of "long photo" (w/ sound), i.e., the flickr concept of video:

Mr. Sajous-Brady said...

Is it a carp species?

Suman said...

@MrSajousBrady: good question. I will have to ask an my dad. Will get back to you.